BuzzShow _ Social networking video with prizes

Meet again with me, beroto yudo .This time we will discuss this ICO with its excellent potential. This is a BuzzShow ( ) a video platform that offers rewards for its users. BuzzShow is a new, completely decentralized type of Video Partner platform, where video creators are rewarded with Goldies, tokens used by platforms, according to the popularity of their videos. Operated entirely by people who create and use it, something similar to steemit operations, with curators and app developers, but applied to the video.

That’s why I see great potential to be the number one video site worldwide, as users learn more about the benefits of decentralized networks, stop using conventional, centralized platforms and where they have no control over their creation. This is where a platform like BuzzShow has advantages over future social video networks.

You may ask yourself: but no other decentralized social video project? I replied: yes you say it, there is another “ICOS” project from the paper. Without products The big difference is that BuzzShow has become a developed and tested web platform and its mobile app is also fully developed and tested, you can download it here: they already have millions of videos created on over 2000 channels.

BuzzShow creates a new reward-based incentive ecosystem based on the popularity of online video content, rewarding Goldies users by creating, choosing, sharing and watching videos.

I have downloaded the app to my phone and opened an account. This is great, the playback speed is very good and I will start uploading my video to my channel soon. You can either download it or use a web platform to create your account and you can start earning Goldies.


BuzzShow Token Sale Beginning on February 12, 2018 and the funds will be used to create an operating platform on third-generation Blockchain technology, which benefits from missing transaction costs, capacity, stability and adequate security that are critical to social media networks

Information on Token sales

Total Token issued: 150,000,000

Max. Available for sale: 93,000,000 (62%)

Token Price: 1 TOKEN = 0.25 USD

Cap Hard: 20 M USD

BuzzShow already has 2 major content provider partners: The ODMedia Company has established itself as a leading industry partner in the areas of content, protection, digitization, archiving, corporate coding, video on demand and broadcast services. Another partner is Expoza , which helps content owners protect their copyright, monetize their content and create a complete YouTube strategy. Expoza allows content owners to increase the consumption and participation of their copyrighted content and channels on YouTube.


Part of BuzzShow’s successful team, all with extensive experience in the business world and products with proven success in their careers.

Thus explanation about BUZZSHOW from me, may be useful and can be a reference for you to immediately join BUZZSHOW.







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ETH Address: 0xB45C6d56F4408C697808Dc37cf9e6848152aBD48

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